MO Museum Annual Report 2020

In 2020, MO Museum was opened for only half a year, but we received 108,000 visitors at the museum and more than 286,000 virtual visitors. Although we didn’t work in March, April, May, November, December, and only half a foot in June, MO Museum’s activities and initiatives were still visible throughout the year.
The challenges of quarantine did not stop the opportunity to open two impressive, exclusive exhibitions in their innovative, engaging form – “Why Is It Hard to Love?” and “From That Opera”. A successful educational project “Visual Thinking Exchanges through Art” with the British Council in Lithuania was also implemented. It was also possible to organize an educational conference for teachers all over Lithuania. We trengthened the virtual MO Museum platform, updated the website, introduced the MO blog and to organized the 1st virtual Lithuanian Art Games “MOlympics”. Read more about them in our Annual Report!
MO Museum Annual Report 2020
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