MO Sculpture Garden

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MO Sculpture Garden, with terraces uniting public spaces, creates a diverse and inviting environment. The ensemble promotes the idea of meaningful leisure and gathers an active society of art lovers to meet and interact.

The garden features an array of art selected to showcase the most vibrant works by Lithuanian sculptural avant-garde artists. The artists featured here include Mindaugas Navakas, one of the first in Lithuania to explore environmental art; the tireless innovator Petras Mazūras, who continues to develop conceptual sculpture; and Vladas Urbanavičius, best known for Krantinės arka (Embankment Arch, 2009) – dubbed “The Pipe” by his fellow citizens of Vilnius. The garden has also incorporated Ksenija Jaroševaitė‘s unconventionally beautiful little figurative sculptures. Recently MO Sculpture Garden was supplimented by Donatas Jankauskas–Duonis “Victor or Victoria” and by Vincas Kisarauskas Fragment of the Tombstone Monument to the Liobis Family.

We have prepared a special e-guide about MO Sculpture Garden. You will find an interview with the architect of MO Museum Daniel Libeskind and information about all the sculptures. Listen and discover!

The garden that brings the community together

One of MO Museum’s main goals is to build a community. So, a team of volunteer gardeners was involved in creating the garden. The gardeners of MO are the creators of the sustainable and naturalistic planting. They take care of the live exhibit, which invites the locals and guests of Vilnius to stop by in MO Sculpture Garden.

In the summertime MO Sculpture Garden is the home of free events that are open to everyone. Gardening enthusiasts invites to meetings and discussions about plants, creating a landscape and greenery maintenance. MO Sculpture Garden and terrace are the places where we hold picnics in summer.

Many modern art museums have sculpture gardens that expand museum spaces. Adopting best practices from around the world, MO has woven modern sculpture in the vibrant fabric of the city. MO Sculpture Garden is an essential reflection of the MO Museum’s founders and creators Viktoras and Danguolė Butkus art collection time period.

MO Sculpture Garden is open 24/7. Enjoy it any time you wish!
