Guided tour for Ukrainians (in Ukrainian)

2022 12 08
17:30 - 18:30

The guided tours for Ukrainians are financed by the European Cultural Foundation.
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Susitikimas, kurio nebuvo | Didžioji paroda | MO muziejus

For many decades of the Cold War, an iron curtain separated the artists of the US, Western Europe and Lithuania. Have you ever wondered what would happen if worlds separated by decades of coercion were one day to meet?

In the MO Museum, this meeting WILL happen. We are inviting Ukrainians to participate in the guided tours in the major exhibition “The Meeting That Never Was“.

The MO guide will tell you in detail about the exhibition and its architecture, as well as about the works, their authors, and the meetings that did(not) happen.

The guided tour is free of charge, but only 20 people can participate, so we invite you to register in advance:

Attention! This guided tour will be held in Ukrainian.

Susitikimas, kurio nebuvo | Didžioji paroda | MO muziejus
Ekskursijos | Susitikimas, kurio nebuvo | MO muziejus