Botanical installation. Invasive Species

2023 07 06 - 2023 07 16

Visit the botanical installation “Invasive Species” on the MO Museum’s terrace to support Ukraine.

Invazinės rūšys | Botaninė instaliacija | MO muziejus

The botanical installation “Invasive Species” will be open on July 6–16 on the MO Museum’s terrace to support Ukraine. We invite you to come, stay for a while, and do not forget Ukraine and its people.

About the installation

Sosnovsky’s hogweed, also known as Stalin’s grass or Stalin’s revenge, is a dangerous invasive species that was introduced to Lithuania and other Soviet-occupied countries around 1950. Similar to russian imperialism, this plant displaces native species by destroying them.

In territories invaded by Sosnovsky’s hogweed, all biodiversity vanishes, transforming the land into a biological desert. Every part of the plant contains a toxic allergen called furanocoumarin. When the plant’s sap comes into contact with the skin, it heightens photosensitivity, resulting in watery blisters and severe burns upon exposure to UV rays. Even after healing, distinct scars remain.

The installation alludes to a devastated field in Ukraine, where the land has been scorched by artillery fire and tree trunks lay charred. The invasive plant symbolizes the intentional and active ecocide perpetrated by russian forces in Ukraine, which will leave indelible scars on both Ukrainian land and the collective consciousness of its people.

Authors: Eglė Plytnikaitė, Agnė Stirnė, Oskaras Stirna
Information partners: Blue Oceans PR
Sponsors: Baltic Production Services, Spaces Spaces Spaces
Partners: dr. botanikas Mindaugas Lapelė, botanikė Dalia Bastienė, Ancient Woods Foundation
